Effective. Timely. Tailored.

Evidence-based psychotherapy for OCD, Phobia, Anxiety and Trauma is great. If you can get it.

When done right, therapy works.

Keep it simple.

Start small . Grow big…

Why choose Rivulet?

  • If your OCD or phobia obstruct leaving the house or being in group settings, how do you get to the treatments that work? Is there a long waiting list and you want to make progress while you wait?

  • You may be struggling with real-life implementation of the skills learned for managing OCD, phobia or anxiety. "I went to treatment, but it didn't work." Others might be thinking; "Am I doing this wrong? Why isn't this better?" You hope to translate skills learned into skills lived.

  • I don’t know what’s up but I know I want help figuring this out.

  • Comprehensive clinical consultations, treatment review, recommendations and report writing.

  • Critical incident response on location.


  • Telehealth, in-home or on-location to maximize outcomes.

    For individual clients, this is usually a combination of psychotherapy sessions done virtually PLUS in vivo exposure therapy.

    Consultation clients can choose on-site, virtual, telephone services or a combination.

    Individual psychotherapy provided to clients in Wisconsin and Illinois.

  • Consultation hourly fee $195

    Employer Services hourly fee $195

    Psychotherapy hourly fee $215

    Transportation hourly fee $100 (pro-rated)

    Diagnostic Interview/Intake $235

On time

  • Response within 48 hours to all requests for services.

    Services aim to minimize length of service and maximize benefit.

  • Normal business hours with after-hours services provided through collaborative scheduling with clinician.


  • The treatment for OCD, Phobia or other situational stressor will be tailored to meet your needs and preferences. This is therapy without the red tape.

  • What you need, where and when you need it. Each case is unique and complexities abound. Let’s work together to get the job done well. Quality review, report writing, clinical recommendations, on-site support and customized guidance so you can get the job done.